Ensign Aiden Webster

Name Aiden Webster

Position SG-1 Member

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 174 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Aiden is physically fit with cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, a good body composition, flexibility, and an appropriate body mass index. Webster’s height is six feet, two inches, and he weighs 174 pounds. Aiden is exceptionally fit and healthy comes from leading an active lifestyle.

Webster stands tall with medium-large toned muscle structure, which verges into defined, well-built curves often visible through his clothing. He has muscular forearms, biceps, and chest. Calves are bulkier than average, the back broadened with muscle layers, and his neck appear more expansive at the base.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Mitchell Webster
Mother Gail Webster
Brother(s) Nick Webster - 27 Years old. In the United States Navy Corps. Stationed at Naval Station Norfolk, VA. Nick is a Navy Helicopter Pilot in the US Atlantic Fleet.

Nick and Aiden are close brothers, growing up playing sports and acting out movie scenes from warrior films, reading comic books and studying through University together.
Sister(s) None
Other Family The Webster Family is a large close knit family, most extended family members living within the state of Texas and Nevada, USA.

Personality & Traits

General Overview According to the United States Army Psychologist Dr. Alessa Meyers, PH.D. Psychologist.

Aiden has exhibited over the years during his Army Corps training and leadership roles, the following traits that personalize his well being.

- Straightforwardness (and being “frank, sincere”)
- Competence (collective, well thought out)
- Warmth (being affectionate and friendly)
- Positive (actions, "behavior to others")
- Low levels of angry hostility
- Low anxiety (not being “shy, fearful, nervous, tensed, and restless”)
- Low depression (has expressed)
- Low vulnerability to stress (expresses well in exercises)
- Low impulsivity (being able to control cravings and urges)
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

- Confident
- Dependable
- Loyalty
- Team Player
- Caring
- Strong


- Can be difficult for Aiden to maintain a healthy work/life balance.
- Aiden can have trouble asking for help.
- Alcohol, Cigarettes, Cussing
Ambitions To one day work in a rehabilitation clinic for war veterans. Aiden would one day like to have his own plane, however he has a personal piloting license for a Cessna that he rents to fly from time to time.

Aiden would like to start a family and have kids. He dreams of having a full house living in the suburbs.
Hobbies & Interests Aiden works hard and studies hard. As the saying goes along with working hard, he likes to let loose and play hard when it is right. He is a man who enjoys antique muscle cars. He has a 1967 Ford Mustang, black on black leather and chrome, factory.

Aiden has a dog in his apartment off of base named “Charlie,” a seven-year-old golden retriever, whom he pays his neighbour to walk and look after when Aiden is on base.

While spending time off base or on base, Aiden reads literary works of JD Salinger, Harper Lee, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Margaret Atwood, Mordecai Richler and Robert Munsch. He enjoys history, sci-fi, dystopian genres. Webster loves television classics such as Cheers, M.A.S.H., Star Trek, Lost, Entourage, Battlestar Galactica, Futurama and the Sopranos.

Aiden loves his PS4, and has a cell phone, but hates it.

Personal History Aiden was born in Austin, TX., to parents Mitchell and Gail Webster. He has one younger brother Nick Webster - 27 Years old. In the United States Navy Corps. Stationed at Naval Station Norfolk, VA. Nick is a Navy Helicopter Pilot in the U.S. Atlantic Fleet.

Aiden is an American Christian who defines himself as straight. He has a post-graduate degree in Chemistry and Biology. He completed his P.h.D at Baylor University College of Medicine in 2015.

Physically, Aiden is in pretty good shape. He is tall with pale skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. He has a bit of a bushy monobrow.

The Webster's are a middle-class family. After his mother died when he was young, he was raised by his father, Mitchell Webster. Aiden was only aged three years when his mother passed, so he has no recollection of her. He has been taught to be a hard-working, studying young man who respects his elders and friends and family.

Aiden's best friend is a professional sports player for soccer in the American League, Jamie Winslow. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Zara Collins and Marissa Hardy, two other friends in the apartment block he lives off base in El Paso. They enjoy baking together.

He entered university at the age of 16, with the aim of becoming a Doctor and hopefully to work in the United States Army as a medic. He enjoys working in the field, rather than being within a hospital setting. He thrives on the ability to help people in need, and always is looking for his next assignment wherever that may be.
Service Record 2006 (16 Yrs.) Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
2010 (20 Yrs.) B.A. – Honors – Chemistry, Biology
2015 (24 Yrs.) Ph.D. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Baylor
College of Medicine
2017 (27 Yrs.) - Residency (Post Grad., Training)
- Texas Children’s Hospital
2020 (27-30 Yrs.) – U.S. Army - Officer Basic Leadership Course, Fort
Army Base, Killeen, TX
Specialized training in combat medical skills, Fort Bliss
Army Base, El Paso, TX
Advanced Weapon, Combat Training