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Fri Oct 28th, 2022 @ 2:38am

Major Alexander Preston

Name Alexander Preston

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 186
Hair Color salt and pepper
Eye Color green
Physical Description Alexander is a pretty middle of the road man, part of the reason he was likely chosen for his path forward in the Canadian Armed Forces. Average height, average build, average looks, the only thing that stands out is the salt-and-pepper look he had taken on since he turned twenty five. His light skin is well worn, showcasing the time he spent in the sun following the attack on Earth.

In line with Canadian Special Operations Regiment guidelines, he wears a beard that he keeps well groomed, if well developed. Tattoos on his arms from combat tours, and two from his regiments, with the CSOR and JTF2 badges on top of one another, over his thumb on his right hand.


Spouse None
Children None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alexander is an even tempered man, with a rather calm and straight forward approach to leadership and command. Even under fire he is known for his butter smooth radio chatter. He's a small town kid, with a bit of a chip on his shoulder with how hard he had to work to get as far as kids from the big city, and is usually the first to rise to a challenge.

That all said, he is known to chirp, having played hockey (as most small town Alberta kids do), and can get a little heated in certain matters.
Strengths & Weaknesses Growing up in a small, bilingual town, Alexander learned to speak French and English from an early age, and as a result has a pretty strong affinity for language. He also speaks German and Japanese, and has a working understanding of Latin. He's a great shot, another benefit of growing up in a prairie town, and is rather unbothered by the cold.

He does have a bit of chip on his shoulder, and catch him in a bad mood and you might get an earful. He also feels the need to constantly prove himself.
Ambitions Alexander wants to retire to his home province, buy a patch of land in the rockies, and avoid seeing people while he collects a fat government pension.
Hobbies & Interests Hockey
bird watching

Personal History Alexander Preston was boring to Aimee and Lucas Preston on July 3rd, 1984. Aimee was a school teacher, and Lucas worked for Shell as a petrochemical engineer, heading up to Fort McMurray every other week. They owned a house in Legal (Leh-gall), Alberta, Canada. Many would hope that the life and times of Alexander Preston in his early years would be remarkable, but as with many people who grow up in a town that is surrounding by acres upon acres of canola and wheat fields, it was not. The boy grew up learning languages, mostly English and French, but also German and later on Japanese. From his friends who’s parents were farmers he learned to shoot gophers, which in later years would become shooting gophers from a moving pick up truck.

At twelve, he joined the Air Cadets of Canada, more because his father thought a boy ought to learn some form of regimented discipline. During his time here, he became avidly fascinated with flying, earning both his Glider Pilot's wings and Private Pilot's License through the program. As it was designed to do, he entered the Canadian Armed Forces after his graduation from High School, heading to RMC. His first application had been to be an Aerospace Engineering Officer, allowing him to work on aircraft all day, but fate had a different path for him. After completing air crew selection, he was given the opportunity to instead adjust his trajectory, and become a Canadian Air Force fighter pilot. On June 14th. 2006, after getting both his Aerospace Engineering Degree and completing his Fighter Pilot training, Lieutenant Alexander "Duster" Preston got his wings. He would spend two years with 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron, before the alien incursion.

Following the alien threat, there were more pilots than jets, due to Kingston being destroyed in the attacks. With his keen eyes, and training in leadership, Alexander was offered to choose a different path forward, and ended up choosing Infantry Officer. A one year re-training and transfer program was undertaken, where the Lieutenant was assigned to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Third Battalion where he learned to be a paratrooper. From there he ended up being scooped up by the Canadian Special Operations Regiment, and by 2012, Joint Task Force Two, where he took part in operations to help level unrest and terrorism on Earth.

In 2018, with his JTF2 contract coming to an end, and the new United Earth Organization and their Stargate unit was opened up.
Service Record 2002: Enrolled at Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) - Aerospace Engineering Degree
2006: Completed degree and Combat Pilot School.
2006: Assigned to 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron - Cougars
2008: Air Combat assistance during alien invasion.
2009: Underwent training to transition from Royal Canadian Air Force to Royal Canadian Army - Infantry
2010: Acquired Jump Certification, Paratrooper
2011: Assigned to Canadian Special Operations Regiment
2012: Assigned to Joint Task Force Two: Anti-terrorism unit.
2014: Participated in the pacification of religious terrorists in Quebec.
2015: Participation in pacification of anti-world government forces in India.
2017: Assigned to Prime Minister Defence Unit
2018: Assigned to Stargate Command.