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Wed Nov 15th, 2023 @ 9:23pm

Sienna/Arldana (Hayes)

Name Sienna/Arldana (Hayes)

Position SG-3 Member

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human offshoot (Valkyrie host)
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’10
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Sienna is an attractive woman, she has long brown curly hair. She is physically fit and keeps herself at peak fitness levels. She is host to a Valkyrie symbionts, but carries no outer visible signs.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Klorel
Mother Maia

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sienna is from a world where females are raised alongside their male counterparts as equal in every way. Women are taught to be warriors alongside men, and Sienna is no different. She can handle herself in every way and isn’t afraid to get into a fight.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Physically fit
- Can handle herself in a fight
- Kind
- Caring

- Attractive men
Ambitions Sienna wants to lead her people on a new path without fear of the Goa’uld, and working with the people of the SGC and Earth seems the best way to achieve that.
Hobbies & Interests Sienna is interested in learning more about Earth and it’s people, she loves to learn about new cultures and their various rituals and ways. She also loves to learn new things and is looking forward to visiting other worlds.

Personal History Sienna comes from Aereon Prime a world that a very long time ago was populated by Humans left by the Asguard. Her world, and it’s system’s development currently stands at the status of Earth’s medieval times, and Sienna herself is a woman not to be trifled with. She can defend herself quite adequately with swords and knives, she’s also fully capable of handling herself in hand to hand combat.

Sienna is descended from the ruling line of her planet, she dedicated herself to doing what’s best for her world, and her people. She is currently carving a future for her people with the Tok’ra, a deal has been made to provide the Tok’ra with hosts from those amongst her people who are willing.

Sienna’s world has been invaded by the Goa’uld on several occasions, on one occasion Sienna was chosen to be the queen of the ruling Goa’uld and become a host but managed to escape her fate.

Having heard of the Tau’ri from the Jaffa she had always wanted a chance to find and meet the Tau’ri. To do what she is able to do in the fight against the Goa’uld. Upon reaching a planet once inhabited by the Tok’ra, Sienna encountered the Valkyrie, once she learned, and understood their importance she willingly became a Valkyrie host.