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Fri Dec 22nd, 2023 @ 7:14pm

Lieutenant Colonel Jonathon Raynor

Name Jonathon Raynor

Position SG-1 Leader

Rank Lieutenant Colonel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38
Weapons Layout M416 Assault Rifle, 9mm side arm

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 190 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Greenish Blue
Physical Description Raynor considers himself just average when it comes to his physical appearance. He is on the taller side but his build is trim with some muscle definition, which comes from a regimented workout routine. He always has a couple days worth of stubble since he is not a fan of shaving, but doesn’t really want a full beard either.

Distinguishing Features: . He has a couple tattoos on his body, both his back and arms during his training years in the Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has no major scares or birthmarks of any sort.


Spouse None
Children None that he knows of.
Father Benjamin Raynor
Mother Sarah Harlow
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family William Raynor

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths and Weaknesses are the same, his stubborn attitude toward others and fellow Airmen. He treats everyone the same, rank aside. He will protect his team, but if back stabbed, will take it personally. He used to agree with hard work and enjoying life to the fullest.
Ambitions At the beginning of his career, Johnathon wanted to impress his Mother and Uncle by achieving something for his life. He felt that the best way to accomplish this was through earning a star for his collar.
Hobbies & Interests Military history, fine cuisine (especially cross-cultural cosine), camping, watching old war movies, drinking and watching others in the corner of a room wandering what they truly are thinking and where they come from.

Personal History Born and raised in Indiana , John “Red Eye” Raynor was always what seemed like a troubled child. His parents Sarah and Benjamin Raynor were separated and so it made things hard for a strong family to keep up. Sarah was a constant alcoholic while his father was strong into drugs. So the logical thing for John to do was to be a prankster. He was constantly with friends doing practical jokes. But when it came down to drugs and alcohol, he was iffy but still did some once and a while.

At the age of seventeen, John’s father past away when his father was shot down when he was trying to run away from a fire fight between police officers. This sent both his mother and himself into a deep depression and started to affect his schooling. This was when his mother finally put it forth that she needed help with her addiction and depression. She sent John to Colorado Springs , Colorado where his father’s brother Major William Raynor was stationed at the Air Force Academy instructing new students, and she went to rehab to get better. Even though deep down she didn’t like the idea of leaving her son but it was for the best for both of them for now.

Rayner saw this as a chance for a new start, but he kept with his interest of being a pain in the ass threw the rest of his high school years. Throughout this time in his Senior year, his uncle saw a lot of his brother in John before Ben had gotten depressed and gotten addicted to cocaine. He did his best to keep John shooting forward with ideas and dreams. During his final spring vacation, William had been sent to a base down in Florida where a large fighter squadron was located.

While at this base, John had quickly grown interested in how the F-15s and F-16s which started him asking questions of how they worked and maneuverable they were. Luckily Will still had some friends with some of the fighter pilots, and was able to set up a flight with a group that were having dog fights off the coast for training exercises. John and his uncle stayed down in Florida for another week which gave John enough time to fly in a training mission.

Once they returned to Colorado , John still continued his interest in fighters of all sorts which dated all the way back to World War II. At graduation, he was reunited with his mother, whom had finished her time in the hospital. For a month, they got to spend time with each other until she pasted away do to cancer. With the loss of his parents, Rayner wasn’t sure what he had left in the world. At the verge of giving up on life, his uncle came to him with an ultimatum. Even though Rayner’s high school grades weren’t top of the line, he had found a way to get him into the Air Force Academy on one condition, which was that he didn’t give up on his interest in flying.

John didn’t say yes right off the bat. He was still torn up over his mother’s death and her holding back about the cancer she had been diagnosed with the same year of his father’s death. He knew deep down that it wasn’t right to hate what she did, but all the time that he could have spent with her before her passing was what made it hard. In the end, Rayner turned back to his interest in flying and he took his uncle’s offer.

As he started the Air Force Academy, he wasn’t the easiest to get used to the military life of rules and regulations, dress codes, and following orders. He was known as a free spirit, he needed to learn in order to receive what he was really shooting for. So he continued to stay low under the radar as best as he could, but that never was easy with him. He quickly got bored and started to go to off base parties even though he was still restricted to the Academy.

He never had problems with keeping his scores just where they needed to get him where he was wanting to go. Instructors never noticed a drop in grades from Cadet Raynor but it was his lack of discipline which got him on the radar. Rude and snappy remarks to other cadets was something he continued to do. He wasn’t the type to make many friends on purpose. Yet he became friends with a young cadet who was much more of a trouble make than he was, cadet Jacen Saint.

At the end of their third year, Raynor and Saint were going threw a training field exercise where the two were in charge of a small squad of troops in a game of capture the flag. But when the opposing team arrived at Raynor’s and Saint’s base, they were quickly attacked and tied up which was not part of the exercise. But the two didn’t care. They marched back to the enemy camp with the captured fully covered in white paint. Rayner and Saint quickly ordered the rest of the opposing side to surrender as their side surrounded the enemy camp. What severely got Rayner’s team in trouble was that even though the opposing camp surrendered, they quickly opened fired at them and covered them with paint ball splatter. When asked of the reason why they ordered their camp to capture the other camp, Rayner replied, ‘It was more logical to completely take over the enemy camp and finish the job than leave them open for another assault.’ But when they had opened at the opposing camp even though they had surrendered, both cadets shrugged and replied that it was good target practice for their team. The two were put on probation but allowed to finish off their senior year at the academy. Once they graduated, Rayner and Saint went their separate ways as they went for different carrier fields as 2nd Lieutenant’s in the US Air Force.

Rayner moved onto Pueblo , Colorado where he went through Introductory Flight Screening where he was screened on his skills and abilities. Once it came down to it, the Wing Commander in charge of assigning piloting came upon Raynor and was impressed with his skills but heard about his stubborn remarks when it came to higher ranking officers. He was about to assign him to KC-135’s for his training but was at the time visited by a group of instructors from Area 51. They needed top of the line pilots no matter what it took. He wasn’t sure what it was for, but he allowed Raynor to continue his fighter pilot training.

Lieutenant Raynor moved on to Sheppard Air Force Base where they started his advance training in fighter pilot training. While there, he was trained on the T-38 which was used for training for fighter pilots and bombers. After the one hundred and twenty hours of flight instructions and twenty four weeks of training total in the air and on the ground. Based on merit and instructor recommendation, he was able to select his choice in fighters and bombers. He chose the F-16 in hopes of getting a chance to fly the new fighters that were rumored to be in production, the F-22 fighters that had been unveiled in April of 2008.

But when he headed out to be assigned to an active duty fighter squadron, he was quickly stationed to Nellis Air Force base, Nevada . When he arrived, he had been informed that he was given Top Secret Clearance and was part of the first group to start Testing and evaluating the F-22 fighters. This was his dream and was where he could shine, even still with his stubborn remarks and what not. For a full test, a small squad of four fighters were sent on an unofficial deployment.

***Classified Information Unavailable ***

A year had past and Rayner had been part of several classified and non-classified missions. After his last deployment to Afghanistan, he was quickly pulled into the Wing Commander’s Office. But when he arrived, he didn’t find the Wing Commander, he met a Lt. Colonel Henry GoForth. He and two other pilots were offered a new assignment but they weren’t allowed to know until after they arrived at the new assignment. One pilot turned it down, but Rayner and the other pilot took the chance and took the offer. With that, the two were reassigned and left within that week.

*** Top Secret Section, Authorized personnel only ***

This was when he was shown the classified information about the Stargate program. He was amazed by all this new life before him and how it had been out there under his and other’s noses. He knew he had a chance at this to fly the most advanced fighter made by Earth. He now had much more on his plate.

The two fighter pilots were transferred to the unofficial base called Area 51 where he was assigned a new program to him called the Stargate Program. They were not brought up to date about the program at that time, but were given more time in the simulators for a multitude of fighters. This was clearly unheard of when it came to pilots as typically they focused on one design but was given far more experience across the field.

As the young fighter pilots rushed through the training, they were soon up in the air and in a multitude of simulated dog fights with all branches, preparing for the worst of the worst. Even the Navy program, Top Gun fighter program, was tested against those fighters. As he was in line for being the squadron commander and soon to be promoted to the rank of Captain, he and his opponent were put in the sky to test their skills. They both were awaiting the results after a couple days after the flight test, when he and his opponent got into a bar brawl in California landing two civilians in the hospital. They both were demoted for this action and removed out of the possible position of Squadron Commander.

When the assault on Earth hit, Raynor was quickly locked in the bunkers at Area 51, with most of the personnel on base. Before the attack that had done most of the damage to Area 51, begun, the fighter pilots were pulled in, debriefed of the ins and outs of the Stargate program. This floored several people, but deep down, Raynor was partly excited as he had grown up wondering what was amongst the stars. The excitement and confusion in the room was cleared up quickly as the report of the fighters needing to get airborne, along with several KC-135's to get prepared for a battle.

Several fighters launched, fighters of both Navy and Air Force took to the skies to protect their assets. As quickly as the fight began, weapons fire rained from the skies as the alien ships launched their assault from orbit. But as soon as it started, they stopped. Reports came in as the skies above flashed before them. The majority of the ships in orbit were being destroyed by another alien technology located in Antarctica. This all seemed far-fetched but didn't matter as smaller ships came flying down to the Earth spreading out to do as much damage before they were taken out.

After multiple dog fights took place, ground assaults insured around areas of downed alien ships. It took several months, but the battle was won. The now Captain Raynor was debriefed about the full Stargate Program, by a Lt. Colonel Richard Lockhart. He was one of the leading officers leading the formation of a renewed program, but this time led by the Air Force, as the program, and Space were under their jurisdiction. Raynor was recruited to assist with the programs construction, and the future of the X-302, X-304 and X-305 program.

A decade passed, with Raynor going up the ranks and soon assigned to Stargate Command as its leading flagship unit, SG-1 Leader.
Service Record Education:
- Air Force Academy – Officer Training
- IFS - Pueblo , Colorado – Academic Classes and Pre-flight Training (Phase I and II)
- JSUPT – Sheppard AFB – Received Silver Wings

Service Record:
- 2st Lieutenant – Nellis AFB – Test Pilot
- 1st Lieutenant – Nellis AFB – F-16 Fighter Pilot
- 1st Lieutenant – Area 51 – F-22 Fighter Pilot
- Captain – Area 51 – Stargate Command – F-22 Fighter Pilot
- Major – Area 51 – Stargate Command – X-302 Test Pilot
- Lieuteantn Colonel - Stargate Command - Squadron Commander - Fighter Pilot/Instructor Pilot
- Lieutenant Colonel - Stargate Command - SG1 Team Leader