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Wed Feb 28th, 2024 @ 3:36am

Sterre Forster

Name Sterre Forster

Position SG-1 Member

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 150lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Sterre is average for her gender. She rarely wears heels or makeup to distinguish her from the crowd though she does stand out because of her natural light blond hair. Her European ancestry comes through in her round face and slightly plump cheeks that never change no matter what she weighs. She has bright blue eyes and despite her outward appearance is very rarely ever cheerful.


Father Thomas Forster
Mother Rhea Kelley Forster
Other Family Uncle- Ronald Kelley

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sterre, as she is known to her family and friends. Is an old soul (what her father uses to describe her). She is rarely ruffled by anything, has an intense stare and was always very mature for her age. Although not not uncaring or humorless, people often mistake her quiet demeanor for apathy or snobbishness. She is extremely observant and notices things that pass most people by. Her greatest quality is that she doesn’t make assumptions but lets the facts speak for themselves.
Strengths & Weaknesses Outward calm in chaos despite what she may actually be feeling
Thurough in her work
Always eager to learn anything about new cultures

Can be shy in social situations, it takes a long time to get to know her
Sometimes beats herself up for mistakes
Ambitions Sterre is more about knowledge than ambition. She thinks she has the best job in the universe and as long as she is studying a culture she will never want to leave.
Hobbies & Interests Reading
Acrylic painting
Guilty pleasure: History buff and knows almost all there is to know about British royalty from Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth.

Personal History Sterre was born to Thomas and Rhea Forster on January 5, 1982. She was their firstborn and, as they soon discovered, she was to be their only child. Although she didn’t grow up with siblings to play with she had a very happy childhood, running and playing near the family farm in Wageningen, Netherlands with neighbors kids as well as many cousins from her father’s side of the family.

Although she will answer to her real first name, which is Rhea after her mother, her family has always called her by her middle name Sterre. She still uses Rhea on official documents and signs her name using both her first and middle names.

When Sterre was a teenager a tragedy happened, she witnessed a horrible farm accident that nearly killed her young cousin Ashley. Although Ashley survived, she never fully recovered. The accident created a rift between Sterre and her friends as she didn’t feel they understood the toll the accident took on her mental health. Her childhood was forever changed and her friends didn’t understand the scope that took, they were able to continue on being just who they had been. It was a difficult time for Sterre. She felt misunderstood and lonely but eventually she met new friends who were more understanding of the person she had become because they had been through tragedy themselves.

After graduating high school Sterre knew that she wanted to do something really interesting with her life. Something where she could be out in the field and not stuck in an office. She was accepted into Princeton University and moved to the United States to live with her Uncle and his family. Her freshman year of college she took general classes until she figured out what she wanted to major in and fell in love with cultural anthropology 101.

After graduating with her Bachelor degree in anthropology she continued with her masters at Stanford and her doctorate at Oxford University. Sterre spent five years studying the uncontacted tribes in Papua New Guinea before moving to Brazil to study the Awa tribe of the Brazilian rainforest from a distance. She went to Africa several times but her favorite destination was Candada to study the history and traditional culture of the Innu. When a leg injury grounded her in 2022 she went back to the United states and ended up working at a museum while she contemplated her future. Her uncle, unbeknownst to her, worked on the Stargate as a tech and reccomended her name to his superiors.